La vida es camino

Creo que una buena imagen para comprender la vida es la del camino. Sí, la vida es un camino. Y vivir se trata de aprender a andar ese camino único y original que es la vida de cada uno.
Y si la vida es un camino -un camino lleno de paradojas- nuestra tarea de vida es simplemente aprender a caminar, aprender a vivir. Y como todo aprender, el vivir es también un proceso de vida.
Se trata entonces de aprender a caminar, aprender a dar nuestros propios pasos, a veces pequeños, otras veces más grandes. Se trata de aprender a caminar con otros, a veces aprender a esperarlos en el camino y otras veces dejarnos ayudar en el camino. Se trata de volver a levantarnos una y otra vez cuando nos caemos. Se trata de descubrir que este camino es una peregrinación con Jesucristo hacia el hogar, hacia el Padre.
Y la buena noticia es que si podemos aprender a caminar, entonces también podemos aprender a vivir, podemos aprender a amar... Podemos aprender a caminar con otros...
De eso se trata este espacio, de las paradojas del camino de la vida, del anhelo de aprender a caminar, aprender a vivir, aprender a amar. Caminemos juntos!

martes, 15 de agosto de 2017

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

A mystery that concerns the whole Church

“Just as you accompanied Our Lord in this life

and lived and loved and suffered with him,

so, at the completion of your life,

he takes you body and soul into heaven.

            With my whole heart I share in your happiness

            and pray that the world may enjoy a similar fate.”[1]

Every year, on the 15th of August, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. That is why I invite you to meditate in this mystery of the life of Mary; a mystery that actually concerns us all, each one of us and the whole Church.

You accompanied Our Lord in this life

In the book of prayers Heavenwards, Fr. Joseph Kentenich, begins his meditation on this marian mystery addressing the Blessed Mother as follows: “Just as you accompanied Our Lord in this life”. These words are not only pious or tender thoughts; rather they express the conviction of our Founder, that the Virgin Mary has a mission to fulfill alongside Jesus.

If we go through the pages of the Gospel we will see how intimately united was Mary to Jesus during his whole life. From his virginal conception and birth (cf. Lk 1:35. 2: 6-7), going through his first sign in Cana of Galilee (cf. Jn 2: 1-11) up to the Cross (cf. Jn 19: 25-27) and the beginning of the Church in Pentecost (cf. Acts 1:14). Truly, Mary has “accompanied Our Lord in this life”. She has walked through this life with Jesus and his disciples.

This constant presence of Mary alongside Jesus shows us her mission: She is the constant Helpmate and Companion of Jesus Christ in his Redemption work.

He takes you body and soul into Heaven

            And because she has been so intimately united to Jesus during her life, at the completion of her existence, He takes her, “body and soul into Heaven”.

Coronation of the Virgin Mary in Heaven - Detail.
Chapel of the Maison Marie Saint-Frai.
Tarbes, France. May, 2012.
If we realize that the faith of the Church always contemplates the Virgin Mary as “so wondrously united with Jesus Christ”[2]; then, we will understand that the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a consequence of the fidelity of God to each person in his plan of salvation. She was called to participate of the earthly life of Jesus; therefore, she is also called to participate in his glory in Heaven.

And this participation of the Virgin Mary in the heavenly glory of Jesus is in body and soul. That means that the totality of the human personality of Mary participates in the fullness of life of the Risen Christ.

When the faith of the Church says Assumption in body and soul of Mary to Heaven; we should not imagine a new “localization” of Mary´s body. But, rather we should think of a change in the condition of Mary´s body. That is, the transit from an earthly condition to a glorious condition of the whole being. She is presently united to the spiritual and glorious body of her Risen Son.

I pray that the world may enjoy a similar fate

            This marian mystery, this salvific mystery, is far from being just a particular privilege accorded to Mary alone. We should look at this mystery as a concrete realization of the History of Salvation; history that always involves the whole Church and the whole of humanity; a history that is the work of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A history, in which God, with his action, takes the initiative in favor of the man, grounds his life and makes possible his free answer to the divine initiative and takes it to his fulfillment.

            That is why the Assumption of Mary signals us the destiny of the whole of the Church and of the whole of the humanity. Just as Mary was assumed in body and soul to Heaven, we too are going to be assumed in the totality of our humanity and of our life into the full and definitive presence of the Risen Christ.

            But, in order to get there, we must, as Mary, walk through life with Jesus Christ and his disciples. If we live with Him, love and suffer with Him, then we will participate also in his new life, in his Resurrection.

            That is why, with faith and hope we can pray now as we still walk in this life: “With my whole heart I share in your happiness and pray that the world may enjoy a similar fate.” Amen.

[1] FR. JOSEPH KENTENICH, Heavenwards, Rosary of God´s Instrument, the Fourth Glorious Mystery.
[2] POPE PIUS XII, Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus.

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